Christian Ridil

Christian Ridil was born in 1943 in Breslau. His first experience was at the music school of the cathedral choir Regensburger Domspatzen, where in addition to a humanistic education intensive practical and theoretical knowledge of music will be taught. 

After graduation Ridil studied at the Staatliche Musikhochschule Munich music education and composition with Prof. Günter Bialas and concluded his studies with the two state exams from. 

From 1969–1984 he taught at the Justus-von-Liebig-Gymnasium in Neusaess/Augsburg (Germany). 

In the years 1980–1983 he was a lecturer at the Catholic University of Eichstätt, in addition, he studied at the University of Augsburg 1980–86 musicology. 

1984 Christian Ridil was appointed to the Musicological Institute of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University of Frankfurt. In addition to music theory courses and seminars he was responsible for the management of the Frankfurt University of Music (choirs, orchestra, chamber music). Since his retirement in 2008, Ridil has dedicated himself to the dissemination of his compositional work.

In 2013, a CD with a selection of Ridil's works for organ solo as well as organ and oboe, organ and trumpet was produced and released on the ifo classics label. In 2018 a CD of sacred and secular choral works was released, also on the ifo classics label, and in 2020 another CD of works for male choir and solo songs was released on the GENUIN label. The same label released another CD with selected chamber music works in April 2021. In 2022 GENUIN will produce a second CD with chamber music works by Christian Ridil.

Works by Christian Ridil

5 Frauenchöre (SW 1063)

An meine Mutter (SW 1042)

Ave Maria (SW 1055)

Belsatzar (SW 1052)

De Profundis (SW 1032)

Der Herr ist König (SW 1017)

„Die Mär von Bischof Hatto“ for mixed chorus with piano
(SW 1015)

Die Wette (SW 1047)

Drei Sonette (SW 1024)

Drei Lieder nach Gedichten von Max Herrmann-Neiße (SW 1046)

Duettino (SW 1065)

Dunkle Duos (SW 1048)

Durch! (SW 1041)

Ein Jäger aus Kurpfalz (SW 1044)

Eichendorff Reflections for recitation and guitar solo (SW1058)

Erntelied (SW 1060)

et nubes pluant iustum (SW 1035)

Gesang der Geister über den Wassern (SW 1061)

Gib dem König (SW 1018)

Kling, klang, Glockenschlag (SW 1008)

Les Jardins du Pan – Original version (SW 1029)

Les Jardins du Pan (SW 1045)

Märchenbilder (SW 1033)

Meditations on "Glory to you, Christe" (SW 1001)

The Meeting (SW 1037)

Missa Brevis for violin and piano (SW 1025)

O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf (SW 1068)

O laufet, ihr Hirten! (SW 1070)

Oktett - Deux Danses Macabres
(SW1010) (SW 1011)

Psalm 8 (SW 1002)

Psalm 68: God arises (SW 1026)

Prooemion (SW 1003)

Piccola Partita (SW 1005)

Platzkonzert (SW 1036)

Septett „Lachen und Weinen zu jeglicher Stunde“
(SW1006) (SW 1007)

Sonnen-Diptychon (SW 1059)

String Quartet Sisifo (SW 1013)

Ständchen (SW 1043)

Studentenlieder (SW 1016)

Suite for solo flute (SW 1057)

Three Psalms (SW 1053)

Tres non semper (SW 1054)

Tröstet, tröstet, spricht der Herr (SW 1027)

Variationen über ein ungarisches Tanzlied (SW 1034)

Wach auf, meins Herzens Schöne (SW 1051)

Wanderlied der Prager Studenten (SW 1040)

Werde licht (SW 1012)

wider Elise...für Ludwig (SW 1028)

Wunschzettel (SW 1062)

Zwei Volkslieder aus Hessen (SW 1009)